Sunday, August 12, 2012

China Grabbing-Up World's Oil & Gold | McAlvany Commentary!

This week's commentary includes:

-China is buying and betting on higher oil

-Food inflation fears feed political change

-Gold's long term up trend intact

Bianco on Treasuries, Gold, Investment Strategy!

Aug. 9 (Bloomberg) -- James Bianco, president of Bianco Research LLC, talks about the outlook for Treasuries and gold prices. Bianco, speaking with Tom Keene, Scarlet Fu and Sara Eisen on Bloomberg Television's "Surveillance," also discusses investment strategy in equities.

Gold Price Seen at $1,700 in 2012 on U.S. Stimulus!

Aug. 6 (Bloomberg) -- Nick Trevethan, senior commodities strategist at Australia & New Zealand Banking Group Ltd. and David Wilson, an analyst at Citigroup Inc., discuss the outlook for gold prices and demand in India and China. They speak from Singapore and London with Maryam Nemazee on Bloomberg Television's "The Pulse."

Thursday, August 2, 2012

James Turk "History Will Repeat Itself, $11,000 Gold 2013-2015!

There are 3 types of investors: 1) The Smart money investors get in before everyone else. They are in front of the trend. Imagine being one of the first Apple investors, now that's smart money. 2) Bubble investors are investors who are getting in just as the bubble or bull market is hitting full speed. Typically the average investor. 3) Dumb money investors are the people who have waited so long, the trend is now coming to a close, but they buy anyway basing their decision off of the history of the trend and the dream to make a profit. Clearly the smart money is what we want to be. Placing our money in front of the trend, not during and especially not after. By knowing the big picture, we can feel much more confident about our own financial future. Most have turned their 401Ks into nothing more than a casino game based on luck. Our view is it doesn’t have to be that way. Education is the key to investing, not luck.