Monday, July 23, 2012

Zip Line Gold Mining!

"My buddy and I found some bench gravel 40 to 50 feet up the mountain from the river. We could see where some of the old miners tunneled into the side of the mountain to chase the placer gold. What we saw was a pretty remarkable site. Rocks the size of small cars, just hanging in suspension in the hard pack ancient streambed. It's always good to find virgin ground for prospecting. The old miners obviously dug tunnels to chase the placer, but it's really cool to see that untouched stream bed. We had a great time and look forward to returning. This area belongs to a lifelong friend of mine, who has not only the private property to this land, but a patented mining claim without expiration. We are forever grateful for him. We figured the best way to get the "buckets of gold" down the mountain and across the river was a zip line. Brilliant idea, (my friends, not mine). Worked incredibly well. Twenty First Century bucket line mining."