Tuesday, September 18, 2012


Gold prices are a good indicator of how healthy the U.S. economy is. When the price of gold is high, that's when the economy is not healthy. Why? Investors flock to gold when they are protecting their investments from either a crisis or inflation. When gold prices drop, that usually means the economy is healthy. That's because investors have left gold for other, more lucrative, investments like stocks, bonds or real estate. To understand the economy, it's helpful to understand gold. In this article, you can track recent trends in gold prices. You'll also learn about how gold should be used by investors, the history of gold, and more about the gold standard.

Monday, September 3, 2012

Status Report of U.S. Treasury-Owned Gold: August 31, 2012!

Department of the Treasury
Financial Management Service
August 31, 2012

Summary Fine Troy Ounces Book Value
Gold Bullion 258,641,851.485 $10,920,427,976.14
Gold Coins, Blanks, Miscellaneous 2,857,047.831 120,630,844.95
Total 261,498,899.316 11,041,058,821.09
Mint-Held Gold - Deep Storage
  Denver, CO 43,853,707.279 1,851,599,995.81
  Fort Knox, KY 147,341,858.382 6,221,097,412.78
  West Point, NY 54,067,331.379 2,282,841,677.17
Subtotal - Deep Storage Gold 245,262,897.040 10,355,539,085.76
Mint-Held Treasury Gold - Working Stock
  All locations - Coins, blanks, miscellaneous 2,783,218.656 117,513,614.74
Subtotal - Working Stock Gold 2,783,218.656 117,513,614.74
Grand Total - Mint-Held Gold 248,046,115.696 10,473,052,700.50
Federal Reserve Bank-Held Gold
Gold Bullion:
  Federal Reserve Banks - NY Vault 13,376,961.126 564,804,727.98
  Federal Reserve Banks - display 1,993.319 84,162.40
Subtotal - Gold Bullion 13,378,954.445 564,888,890.38
Gold Coins:
  Federal Reserve Banks - NY Vault 73,808.979 3,116,377.47
  Federal Reserve Banks - display 20.196 852.74
Subtotal - Gold Coins 73,829.175 3,117.230.21
Total - Federal Reserve Bank-Held Gold 13,452,783.620 568,006,120.59
Total - Treasury-Owned Gold 261,498,899.316 $11,041,058,821.09

September, Critical for Gold Investors: For Pete's Sake!

September promises to be a critical and active month for investors, w/ both ECB and Jackson Hole meetings imminent, not to mention Labor Day, which typically marks the return of investors on holiday during the thin markets in the month of August. We ask Peter Hug of Kitco Metals what he thinks of this, and whether he believes the metals can hold up gains come what may from the highly anticipated fiscal policy meetings. Kitco News, August 29, 2012.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

China Grabbing-Up World's Oil & Gold | McAlvany Commentary!

This week's commentary includes:

-China is buying and betting on higher oil

-Food inflation fears feed political change

-Gold's long term up trend intact

Bianco on Treasuries, Gold, Investment Strategy!

Aug. 9 (Bloomberg) -- James Bianco, president of Bianco Research LLC, talks about the outlook for Treasuries and gold prices. Bianco, speaking with Tom Keene, Scarlet Fu and Sara Eisen on Bloomberg Television's "Surveillance," also discusses investment strategy in equities.

Gold Price Seen at $1,700 in 2012 on U.S. Stimulus!

Aug. 6 (Bloomberg) -- Nick Trevethan, senior commodities strategist at Australia & New Zealand Banking Group Ltd. and David Wilson, an analyst at Citigroup Inc., discuss the outlook for gold prices and demand in India and China. They speak from Singapore and London with Maryam Nemazee on Bloomberg Television's "The Pulse."

Thursday, August 2, 2012

James Turk "History Will Repeat Itself, $11,000 Gold 2013-2015!

There are 3 types of investors: 1) The Smart money investors get in before everyone else. They are in front of the trend. Imagine being one of the first Apple investors, now that's smart money. 2) Bubble investors are investors who are getting in just as the bubble or bull market is hitting full speed. Typically the average investor. 3) Dumb money investors are the people who have waited so long, the trend is now coming to a close, but they buy anyway basing their decision off of the history of the trend and the dream to make a profit. Clearly the smart money is what we want to be. Placing our money in front of the trend, not during and especially not after. By knowing the big picture, we can feel much more confident about our own financial future. Most have turned their 401Ks into nothing more than a casino game based on luck. Our view is it doesn’t have to be that way. Education is the key to investing, not luck. http://www.futuremoneytrends.com/ 

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Status Report of U.S. Treasury-Owned Gold June 29, 2012!

Status Report of U.S. Treasury-Owned Gold

Return to Gold Report Homepage
Current Report: June 29, 2012Department of the Treasury
Financial Management Service
June 29, 2012
Summary Fine Troy Ounces Book Value

Gold Bullion 258,641,851.485 $10,920,427,976.14
Gold Coins, Blanks, Miscellaneous 2,857,047.831 120,630,844.95

Total 261,498,899.316 11,041,058,821.09

Mint-Held Gold - Deep Storage

Denver, CO 43,853,707.279 1,851,599,995.81
Fort Knox, KY 147,341,858.382 6,221,097,412.78
West Point, NY 54,067,331.379 2,282,841,677.17
Subtotal - Deep Storage Gold 245,262,897.040 10,355,539,085.76

Mint-Held Treasury Gold - Working Stock
All locations - Coins, blanks, miscellaneous 2,783,218.656 117,513,614.74
Subtotal - Working Stock Gold 2,783,218.656 117,513,614.74

Grand Total - Mint-Held Gold 248,046,115.696 10,473,052,700.50

Federal Reserve Bank-Held Gold

Gold Bullion:
Federal Reserve Banks - NY Vault 13,376,961.126 564,804,727.98
Federal Reserve Banks - display 1,993.319 84,162.40
Subtotal - Gold Bullion 13,378,954.445 564,888,890.38

Gold Coins:
Federal Reserve Banks - NY Vault 73,808.979 3,116,377.47
Federal Reserve Banks - display 20.196 852.74
Subtotal - Gold Coins 73,829.175 3,117.230.21

Total - Federal Reserve Bank-Held Gold 13,452,783.620 568,006,120.59

Total - Treasury-Owned Gold 261,498,899.316 $11,041,058,821.09

Deep Storage: Deep-Storage gold is the portion of the U.S. government-owned Gold Bullion Reserve that the U.S. Mint secures in sealed vaults, which are examined annually by the Department of Treasury's Office of the Inspector General. Deep-Storage gold comprises the vast majority of the Reserve and consists primarily of gold bars. This portion was formerly called "Bullion Reserve" or "Custodial Gold Bullion Reserve."

Working Stock: Working-Stock gold is the portion of the U.S. government-owned Gold Bullion Reserve that the U.S. Mint uses as the raw material for minting congressionally authorized coins. Working-Stock gold comprises only about 1 percent of the Reserve and consists of bars, blanks, unsold coins, and condemned coins. This portion was formerly listed as individual coins and blanks or called "PEF Gold."

  Last Updated: January 12, 2012 Source: http://www.fms.treas.gov/gold/current.html

Gold-rich Haiti eyed by foreign investors!

A gold rush is shaping up in Haiti. Billions of dollars of precious metals are thought to be buried in the hills. So far Canadian and American mining companies have invested more than $30m collecting samples, building roads and digging. Nearly 15 percent of Haiti's territory is now under license to North American mining firms.

While the gold rush is attracting the interest of international investors, locals in the country where 70 per cent of people are unemployed fear the companies' promises will not be upheld. Al Jazeera's Rachel Levin reports from Trou-du-Nord in northern Haiti.

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Why gold miners are winners during deflation!

Market historian, geologist and Pivotal Events author Bob Hoye, talks to the GoldMoney Foundation's Dominic Frisby about the real price of gold in times of post-bubble deleveraging, and the opportunities in gold mining shares -- which he thinks could be on the verge of a great new bull market.

Hoye explains that gold stocks do very well during credit contractions. The crash of 2007/2008 was the end of a classic bubble, comparable to the 1929 bubble. History shows that such market manias are followed by long periods of deleveraging and contraction. During these times the price of gold in real terms -- that is priced against a basket of commodities -- increases, meaning vastly increased profits for gold mining companies. Measured by the Relative Strength Indicator (RSI) the gold stocks are near historic lows. Hoye thinks that after retesting the lows, we could start a new bull market in gold shares in which even bad companies will see incredible share appreciation. Contrary to many precious-metal analysts, Hoye thinks that the gold/silver ratio will head up instead of reverting back to its historic average, as silver typically does best in relation to gold during periods of accelerating inflation, which he is not expecting in the immediate future. This podcast was recorded on 14 June 2012.

Friday, July 27, 2012

2013: End of Gold's Bull Market?

TheStreet.com's Neil Meader thinks that the possible ramification of the Euro Zone soveriegn debt crisis will may mark the end. A period of deflation would certainly follow any attempt to fund U.S. debt. A high of $2,000 is anticipaed for this years ceiling price of gold. Higher interest rates will most likely mark the end of the bull market for gold.

A Return to Gold Standard within 5 years?

Economic forecaster and founder of MacroMavens, Stephanie Pomboy, told Barron's that she believes a return to a gold backed currency is a very realistic proposition within five years.

Gold Ponzi Scheme - China!

China Daily Newspaper $60 Billion Gold Ponzi Scheme in China Small news article on the reccent Ponzi Scheme for paper gold investing in China. Incredible as it may seem, there is only one small newspaper story and no TV news features on this topic. The significance is that this fraud is larger than the Bernie Maddoff event and could have a huge psychological effect on precious metals investors in what is rapidly becoming the world's largest gold market.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Obscene Profits In the Scrap Gold Business!

Create a recession-resistant home-based recycling business buying and selling old gold, scrap silver & platinum scrap. As a consumer, learn how to protect yourself when selling your old unwanted, broken, or scrap gold jewelry.

Europe and it's increasing demand for allocated gold!

GoldMoney's Alasdair Macleod talks to Ned Naylor-Leyland of Cheviot Asset Management about Europe's debt crisis, the euro, and gold and silver price prospects. He also discusses the Pan-Asia Gold Exchange, and how an increasing number of investors are demanding allocated gold. Ned is slightly more optimistic about the euro than most analysts, owing to what he sees as the high likelihood of further successful moves towards fiscal union. He also thinks the large gold reserves held by the European Central Bank as well as the largest member states (Germany, France and Italy) are a plus for the currency. Regarding the Pan-Asia Gold Exchange that he talked about at last summer's GATA conference in London, Ned notes that internal Chinese political wrangling appears to have blocked the introduction of an international fully-allocated spot gold contract. However, an equivalent silver contract is going to start trading within the next few months, which could have bullish consequences for silver.
Alasdair and Ned also discuss proposals to make gold bullion a Tier-1 bank asset. They state that this is further evidence that gold is once again regaining a formal role within the financial system -- good news for both gold investors and the banks themselves. This podcast was recorded on 20 July 2012.

Violent protests continue against Peru's Conga gold investment project!

A third province in Peru's Cajamarca region has been put under a state of emergency with demonstrators opposing President Ollanta Humala's decision to go ahead with the Conga project, a giant gold and copper investment project. The largest investment in the country in its history, it will also see large portions of the country's natural reserves placed in the hands of mining companies. But now, entering its ninth month since the protests turned violent, infighting among opposition leaders has now also intensified, spurring the government to call on the assistance of two priests as mediators. Al Jazeera's Mariana Sanchez reports from Lima, Peru.

Interview with Lake Shore Gold Corp.!

CEO Clips profiles the President and CEO of Lake Shore Gold Corp., Anthony Makuch. In 90 seconds he describes this growing gold producer's three key assets in Timmins ON. Lake Shore Gold Corp. (TSX and NYSE Amex: LSG) is a gold mining company that is positioned for rapid production growth at low operating costs. The Company has four wholly owned, multi-million ounce gold deposits and two operating mines in the century-old Timmins Gold Camp.

South Africa's AngloGold Ashanti to join 49M campaign!

South Africa's largest gold miner AngloGold Ashanti recently became the forty-ninth partner of the 49M campaign, the country's largest energy saving movement.

"We want to be part of imrovement in South Africa."

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

How to Scrap Old Computers *Gold & Silver Recovery!

How and what to scrap in old computers for metals recovery, this video present the dismantling and basic seperation of the different scrap types contained in old computer. - Motherboard + CPU - PCI cards - RAM sticks (memory) - CD-Rom - Floppy - Hard Drive - Power Supply Unit (PSU) - IDE and other cables
Seperating your scrap almost always results in maximizing the return on your scrap electronics and gives you better knowledge and control when it's time to sell it. Electronic scrap hold different type of components which contains Gold, Silver and Platinum Group Metals. Some are very easy to recover and some are very complex process. " Gold Fingers" and CPU's are the best type of scrap for a beginner to learn the craft of gold recovery.

Monday, July 23, 2012

Zip Line Gold Mining!

"My buddy and I found some bench gravel 40 to 50 feet up the mountain from the river. We could see where some of the old miners tunneled into the side of the mountain to chase the placer gold. What we saw was a pretty remarkable site. Rocks the size of small cars, just hanging in suspension in the hard pack ancient streambed. It's always good to find virgin ground for prospecting. The old miners obviously dug tunnels to chase the placer, but it's really cool to see that untouched stream bed. We had a great time and look forward to returning. This area belongs to a lifelong friend of mine, who has not only the private property to this land, but a patented mining claim without expiration. We are forever grateful for him. We figured the best way to get the "buckets of gold" down the mountain and across the river was a zip line. Brilliant idea, (my friends, not mine). Worked incredibly well. Twenty First Century bucket line mining." http://www.moderngoldminer.com

Gold And Copper Deposits Found In India!

Rajasthan, well known for its crude oil will soon be known for its huge gold deposits. The Geological Survey of India (GSI) has struck huge reserves of gold ore in Rajasthan and a new report has indicated the presence of copper and gold deposits.

Traveling with Gold and Silver, Customs and TSA agents!

Gold & Silver: How much can you travel across borders with & bypass customs?
5,000 US dollars (or equivalent in any foreign currency) or 20,000 CNY is permitted. If you have more than this amount, related documents will be needed and you need to declare to the customs. There are at least three different basic strategies you can use to transport your precious metals to and from foreign nations.

1. Carry slightly less each time of the $5,000 tax penalty minimun.
2. Hide your holdings above $5,000 by declaring currency not PMs.
3. Ship your precious metals using a shipping carrier or courier. As more and more people explore the possibility of living abroad and removing funds from banks - it is seriously time to develop alternative ways of living vs. domestic U.S. lifestyles.

Asian Gold: Michael Checkan explains how it works!

In this video podcast Asset Strategies International's Michael Checkan, and Alasdair Macleod, discuss the role of gold in Asian countries such as Vietnam, China, India and Turkey.
Checkan explains that gold is the ultimate safe haven as far as wealth is concerned. He demonstrates this point by telling of how Vietnamese refugees who escaped the country in 1975 with gold coins and jewellery could transfer their wealth out of the country while people who took national currency with them were left holding the bag as the Vietnamese currency became worthless. Both men also talk about the ongoing wealth transfer from west to east and how precious metals are viewed in different Asian countries. In China gold is mainly seen as a means of wealth preservation rather than as an investment. Interest in silver in mainland China is still low, but silver dealing in Hong Kong is increasing. Checkan believes that the higher the price of gold goes, the more small buyers will seek the "poor man's gold" -- silver -- as an alternative. Checkan points out that a lot of money is currently sitting on the side-lines, and that people are holding off on making metal purchases in anticipation of further price declines. But once those buyers are finally emboldened to enter the precious metals markets, he expects a rather significant move to the upside which could take place later this year. Both men discuss strong public gold demand in China, where the government encourages citizens to buy precious metals. The Chinese government is buying resources all over the world in an effort to diversify their foreign exchange holdings -- which is partly why China has become the world's biggest gold importer, a title previously held by India. Indian gold demand has however slowed due to weakness in the rupee and increased gold taxes. Finally, they discuss the rise of Turkey's economy and how Turkish gold accounts are helping to diversify financial use of the metal. This video podcast was recorded on May 9 2012 at the 2nd Precious Metals Conference in Zagreb, Croatia.

Rick Rule and Alasdair Macleod on why gold bullion is insurance!

Rick Rule, of Sprott Asset Management, and Alasdair Macleod of the GoldMoney Foundation, talk about the role of gold bullion as a financial insurance and how to invest in gold mining stocks. They also discuss the current state of the global financial system. With regards to the current fall in precious metal prices, Rule points out that even extreme cyclical variations are to be expected in a secular bull market. He illustrates this point by bringing to mind how the gold price declined by 50% in 1975 before making its greatest gains soon thereafter. Both men agree that gold bullion should not be bought to make money, but as insurance as part of a long-term wealth preservation strategy. When investing in mining equities Rule points out that he makes his decisions on a net present value foundation, and not based on expectations of future metal prices. Rule explains that he views global macro questions from a credit analyst's point of view, and contrasts assets and income streams against liabilities in countries just like he would with companies. By his analysis, most countries do not have sustainable business models. He also does not believe official inflation statistics and points out that things like food, fuel and taxes are very much underrepresented in official price indices. Rick and Alasdair also talk about the deleterious effects of artificially low interest rates that discourage savings and therefore impede economic progress. Rule believes that citizens' confidence in governments and central banks will deteriorate sharply. The distortions caused by these institutions' policies will lead to an even bigger crisis down the road. Rule would not lend the US government money, given the horrific state of its balance sheet, and cannot see why the run to the US dollar and treasury bonds is considered a "risk-off" trade. That said, a liquidity crisis in the banking system can cause big volatility in the gold market, as we have in small-part witnessed in recent weeks and months. This podcast was recorded on May16 2012 at the Hard Assets Investment Conference in New York.

James Turk's presentation on the gold price and the US dollar!

James Turk of the GoldMoney Foundation speaks about currency devaluation and the rising gold price. How the gold price is rising against all major currencies and monetary policy is political, having abandoned all pretence of seeking monetary stability. He warns of the dangers of a hyperinflationary crisis. James also explains why gold should be considered money and not an investment. He also talks of the coming dollar collapse and the waterfall decline in the dollar, especially since Ben Bernanke's words on QE. He talks of different examples of hyperinflation from paper money hyperinflation in Weimar Germany to deposit currency hyperinflation in Argentina. The presentation was held on 29 April 2011 in Munich, Germany.

$15,000 Gold price? Mike Maloney On Gold!

Have you ever wondered where all that currency came from to bail out the banking sector, the 'too big to fail' guys? Answer: Thin air! The currency to pay for all these crazy wars? Thin air! Bailing out Greece and who knows who next? Thin air! The unlimited creation of this worthless unbacked currency has serious effects for you and me. We feel it as price inflation in our day to day lives. Our incomes don't keep pace with inflation and we struggle. It is slow at first, but picks up speed quickly. The government inevitably tries to spend more to prop up the economy, going deeper and deeper into debt....pouring fuel on the fire. It's a predictable cycle that has happened many times before throughout history. When a government is given the power to create as much currency as they like...they will. The end result being a rush into precious metals as the government-issued currency loses value faster and faster due to the erosion of faith held in it by the public. Ask the Greeks and the Romans about it. Recent examples include such monetary catastrophes as Weimar Germany, Argentina and Zimbabwe. Hundred trillion dollar note anyone? "When a government abuses its currency system, gold will do this" - Mike Maloney But this time...it's global. For the first time in human history, all world currencies are backed by nothing of physical value. Think about that for a moment. Fiat currencies are losing the faith of the public day by day. We are about to live through the greatest gold and silver rush in history.

How to separate your gold from your Black Sand Concentrates!

This video shows you how to separate your blonde sands and gold from your black sand concentrates. You use a magnet in this process and you'll need to have your black sand dry before you do this. The black sands are a heavy iron metal that will clog up you cleanup sluice or make it harder to pan out your cons. You left with pure black sands. the left over black sands work well in your wife or girlfriends roses.

How to find California Gold!

Jeff Williams from http://www.askjeffwilliams.com/ shows you that the idea is to find a bench or bank that is in the right bend.

The California Gold Rush began at Sutter's Mill, near Coloma.[4] On January 24, 1848 James W. Marshall, a foreman working for Sacramento pioneer John Sutter, found shiny metal in the tailrace of a lumber mill Marshall was building for Sutter on the American River.[5] Marshall brought what he found to John Sutter, and the two privately tested the metal. After the tests showed that it was gold, Sutter expressed dismay: he wanted to keep the news quiet because he feared what would happen to his plans for an agricultural empire if there were a mass search for gold.[6] However, rumors soon started to spread and were confirmed in March 1848 by San Francisco newspaper publisher and merchant Samuel Brannan. The most famous quote of the California Gold Rush was by Brannan; after he had hurriedly set up a store to sell gold prospecting supplies,[7] Brannan strode through the streets of San Francisco, holding aloft a vial of gold, shouting "Gold! Gold! Gold from the American River!"[8]

Gold found in South Africa mine's waste!

In a single gold mine in South Africa, an expected $2.2 billion worth of gold can still be extracted from just one dump site's waste material.

Using water cannons and chemical treatements, a single mine can hope to extract about 3 grams in every tonne. It may not sound like much but if there is 140 million tonnes of waste lying around - the numbers start adding up. High prices means all the effort that goes into sourcing the precious metal may well be worth it. Al Jazeera's Tania Page reports from Johannesburg.

India's Love Affair with GOLD!

"No gold, no wedding," is a saying in India, indicating the importance of gold to Indian culture and tradition. Byron Pitts reports on India's obsession with gold. With the Indian population becoming more wealthy, its another reason why YOU should own Gold. With millions more people buying gold in the emerging markets, this will surely push the gold price upwards.

The world's largest gold coin!

Making of the world's largest gold coin, a 2007 Canadian $ 1,000.000 Maple Leaf. This coin breaks all records: It weighs a staggering 100 kilos and measures 53 cm in diameter. But the most remarkable thing about this impressive coin, which cannot even be lifted by two men, is that it is made exclusively of the purest, finest and most refined gold: 999.99/1000 gold.

Buying Gold Bullion!

This video discusses the different types of gold and silver you can buy and how to purchase gold bullion. Gold bullion has actually been the number one performing asset class for the last decade. It has had an average yield of better than 15% here in the United States. Gold has typically provided the investor with an opportunity to hedge against the devaluation of paper currency and it is also a quality investment in uncertain financial times. What we are looking at right now is some severe political and geopolitical risk based on our financial system and gold bullion may be one of the best ways for an individual to hedge against these problems that sit out on the horizon.

The Timeless Art of Gold Extraction!

Produced by the Cripple Creek District Museum in Colorado, this video shows the process of assaying gold today and how it was done one hundred years ago.

How To Buy Gold Now!

Digging for Gold with TheStreet.com. Debra Borchardt and Alix Steel tell investors their gold-buying options in the middle of this financial mess.